
About us

Secondary School of Horticulture Rajhrad is the biggest horticultural school in the South Moravian region and it ranks among major gardening schools in the Czech Republic.

It provides the general public with a wide offer of educational and other horticultural services.The training programs taught in this school are linked to each other so they enable pupils to choose from a large and at the same time integrated offer of our school. Great advantage of this wide offer is its transmittance, which means the pupils might more easily change their chosen study branch within their curriculum how it corresponds to their needs and abilities development.

In respect of the fact that our school has a close cooperation with horticulture schools within the European Union and that it concerns the school with a rich and long-standing tradition, high quality educational and training results plus our future graduates fair perspective of further exercise and use on our and European employment market, I am convinced that our school educational institution does retain a unique place among not only South Moravian schools.

This school is well-known as one of a few educational institutions in the sphere of secondary schools being engaged in marginalized pedagogical work with specific learning disorders pupils.

Following the call of WFRS (World Federation of Rose Societies) a National collection of roses was created on the school premises) About 220 varieties of roses have been collected so far.

For the 2023/2024 school year, we offer three- and four-year education courses and full-time extension studies to primary school graduates. In our educational portfolio, we also offer interested parties the possibility of further education in abbreviated studies in the field of Gardening and Horticulture and thereby obtain another high school diploma or teaching certificate.

In order to allow you to come and see and to find out with your own eyes, to size up the situation and to make a comparison, we are organizing for the general public presentations where prospective students will obtain further information:

Open days

  • 20.1.2023 Friday 9:00 – 17:00 
  • 21.1.2023 Saturday 9:00 – 14:00
  • 10.2.2023 Friday 9:00 – 17:00 
  • 11.2.2023 Saturday 9:00 – 14:00 

Visit us at another time

Visits to our school can also be arranged on telephone numbers:
